12 December, 2008

Update on Rockstar

So, in case you're wondering if our puppy is still alive, yes, Rockstar's still kickin'. After chewing through ALOT of paper, erasers, pens, you name it. This dog finds things I haven't seen in months!

And here I thought i'd share with you a little picture. My little boy is growing up and learning to drive! And no.. the truck was NOT moving at the time I took this shot.. me n rocky were waiting outside the grocery store while bf ran in to grab some vegetables. He does attract alot of attention....!!

03 December, 2008

Did I do this right?

I got a lovely butterflee from my friend Sandra.
Now, I can't seem to figure out how to put it here, so I'll just post that its a lovely "gift" from a great friend!

See her blog PAPER FUNTASTICS and join her on SCS tomorrow for the Hanna Release party! She is Hanna's most talented Design Team member.. and no.. I am not biased.. really.. no, I'm not! =D